For this challenge I chose to make a character design for a game. The game is set in an alternate world that has angels, demons and humans living in the realms. Angels and humans live mostly in peace with demons being uncontrollable and creatures of war.
The character is what is known as a Nephilim (half angel and half demon) and was taken in ,as a child, by a respected general who was part of the human army. During the main setting of the game he works as one of the personal guards to the human crown or is leading investigations as one of the best detectives on the police force.
He is in his mid-twenties, has dark hair and a skinny/muscular body shape. His long hair is usually tied up in a samurai-style bun but is let down in casual moments. His two eyes shine different colours with the left shining light blue and the right a sharp green. The clothes he wears usually hang tight on his body but loose enough so as to not limit movement for combat situations. The mask he dons is to protect his identity in certain situations within the games story.
While I haven’t based this character off of any specific, pre-existing fictional character, there are some similarities to some as they inspire parts of his look. The hairstyle was inspired by that of characters such as Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan), Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia) and others. The main style was taken from multiple renditions of different characters from games and some current fashion trends. Some examples are Hanzo Hamada (Overwatch) and Prince Noctis Caelem (Final Fantasy XV).

In conclusion, I think this is a great start to the module and it will help further develop my artistic skills with art and animation.