Above is the image I made for the photo manipulation task in Art and Animation. This was made using Adobe Photoshop with royalty free images.
My main idea was to make an image using the concept “duality”. When looking for images to bash together, guitars sparked my thought process and so I selected a few to choose from later. In my final decision, I chose the acoustic guitar on the left and the flaming guitar on the right as contrasting colours and emotion. The male face on the left felt like a good choice at first glance, so I saved it for later. When choosing the face for the other side of the coin (so to say) was much harder. It was fairly difficult to find a face that somewhat resembles the other and had a darker tone. Then I found the face with the clown make-up. All that was left for me to do was layer them together.

When layering them together, I decided to do a mirror styled image with one emotive effect on the left and another on the right. On the left there is the light side, showing an acoustic guitar with an average looking male. This symbolizes the calm that the instrument can bring with the music it is most commonly associated with. The other side of the image shows a darker emotion, with a man wearing clown makeup and a dark background with a flaming guitar. Darker colours often emulate darker emotions and darker music with the guitar.
With a main theme of Duality, I believe that my photo manipulation skills, while rather basic, are good with a decent quality of image being made.