Game Design and Prototyping

Prototype 4: Platformer Above is the link to my platformer prototype; horse skateboards. This is the fourth and final prototype I was tasked to make. Adding more complicated features like a win condition, a camera that follows the player and more, this should have been harder to make. However, it felt rather easy compared to prototype 3. […]

Game Design and Prototyping

Prototype 3: BoJack HorseGun Above is the link to my top down shooter prototype The third prototype that I was tasked with making was a top down shooter. This would be one of the more difficult games for me to make as it contains lots of elements I had not used yet. As usual, the first thing to […]

Game Design and Prototyping

Prototype 2: Space Invaders Above is a link to my Space Invaders game. My second prototype game to be made was Space Invaders. Going into the development stage for this prototype I was more confident with the newfound skills I had learnt from my first game. First I had to make my assets: the player, the enemies and […]

Game Design and Prototyping

Prototype 1: The Cookie Clicker Above is the link to my Cookie Clicker prototype for assignment 1 of the Game Design and Prototyping module. Since this is the first of my prototypes, it is obvious that I have little to no experience with making games in Unity Engine. There is the main basis of a Cookie Clicker Clone in […]