Week 9 brought walk cycles and sprite sheets. I was tasked to choose between being a character designer or an environment designer.
I chose to be an environment designer, requiring me to make 2 environmental hazards, an exploding effect, a projectile item and a selection of collectables (minimum 2 collectibles).

For my first environmental hazard, I made a flame hazard. This used a very basic red and orange colour to create the outer flame and then the heat source.

The next environmental hazard I made was a radiation barrel. This is inspired from stereotypical designs of the same items in other forms of media.

After that, I made the explosion sprite. This uses similar colours to the flame, but with a darker tone to show dust and dirt being kicked up from the initial blast.

A projectile sprite had to be made so I chose to create a poison dart. This was very easy to make and to show the poison, I coloured part of the needle green.

The last two sprites I made are to be used as collectibles. They are a diamond and a heart for the players score and Health Points (HP). Each asset has a shimmer effect (going from the top right to the bottom left) to give importance to the items as many games show important things with shimmers or by making them shiny.

The colour choices have been made for the target of younger audiences. All of the colours are relatively vibrant (with exception to the explosion for physics reasons) and suit the audience with each asset being easily definable.